Placenta Cocoons.

A Biodegradable, beautiful way to return your Placenta to our Earth.

Each Cocoon is bespoke - individually designed and handcrafted for you, with love.

You're planning for your baby's arrival, you've bought all the gear, painted the nursery and practiced your birthing relaxation techniques, but you have one more decision to make — what to do with the placenta.
However you look at it, burying the placenta is a lovely way to celebrate the birth of your baby or, if you froze your placenta a few months ago and have been waiting for something amazing to do with it, you've found it here - now you have no excuse to take your container out of the freezer today.

It is part of many cultures around the world - burying the placenta and then planting a tree on top - it’s a link between the past, the present and the future.


Obviously, the first thing you need to do is let your Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) know you would like to keep your placenta. Most Midwives are happy to pop it in the biodegradable bag for you, that way if your squeamish you don't have to look at it.

You will need to decide where to bury it too, are you going to plant a tree at the same time or later on?  Many bury the placenta days after the birth and then plant the tree on your baby's first birthday. You could have a naming ceremony at the same time or just pick any beautiful day that tickles your fancy.

If you don't own your home consider a really big pot. A marae, family land, your local cemetery (many have specific areas for burying placentas) maybe the beach or a park (you will need to check with your local council if you opt for a public space).
If you own your home then a tree will make a precious addition to your garden.

Each Cocoon comes with a biodegradable bag (corn starch), a white plastic bag for safe travel home (removable before burial & not required if your placenta is in the freezer), guidelines, a free packet of wildflower seeds and a placenta blessing that you may like to read during your ceremony. 

I recommend a combination of two adornments, choose between: polished paua (abalone) pieces, small paua (abalone), polished pink mussel pieces, flax flowers, wooden hearts, wooden butterflies or natural feathers.

You will need your placenta cocoon about 4 weeks before your estimated due date (EDD), so it's on hand when your baby is born, your placenta will only last about 2-3 days before it needs to be buried (or frozen).